Appropriate Assessment (AA)

The aim of the Appropriate Assessment (AA) is to assess the proposed plan and its impacts on the integrity of the site in view of its conservation objectives thereby protecting the biodiversity of a country in line with the EU’s Habitats Directive & Birds Directive. The AA process involves a thorough assessment of the project and its potential impact on the environment.

What is an AA?

Appropriate Assessments (AA) are essential evaluations conducted to determine the potential impacts of proposed projects on protected habitats and species, as mandated by European Union legislation. These assessments ensure that developments comply with conservation objectives and do not adversely affect biodiversity within designated areas, such as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA).

  • This process is vital in ensuring that development does not cause significant harm to the environment and its inhabitants.

  • The AA process involves a thorough assessment of the project and its potential impact on the environment. This assessment considers factors such as the project’s location, size, and type, as well as the potential effects on flora, fauna, and habitats. The assessment is carried out by an  ERA-approved environmental consultant such as AIS Environment

appropriate assessment malta environment

Read about the national baseline study of Maltese coastal waters, as conducted by the AIS marine team

Why are AAs required?

Appropriate Assessments are the result of the EU Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive, transposed to Maltese legislation as the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.44) and the Conservation of Wild Birds Regulations (S.L.549.42). These legislations require that an AA is required where a proposed development may give rise to significant effects upon a Natura 2000 site or its protected habitat/species.

The AA process aims at assessing the significance of the impacts of a proposed plan (either individually or in combination with other proposals) on Natura 2000 sites. These Natura 2000 sites are designated by the European Union, and include Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs). SACs protect important habitats and species, while SPAs are designated protect one or more rare, threatened or vulnerable bird species that make use of the area.

Appropriate Assessment

Aim to protect the environment by integrating environmental considerations into the concept phase of large-scale developments. 

1. Permit Application Consultancy

Following the submission of a planning permit application to the Planning Authority(PA)Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) are consulted as statutory consultees. They provide feedback to the client on whether a PDS needs to be submitted.

2. Project Description Statement (PDS)

AIS Environment will prepare the PDS document which gives a description of the project and a brief description of the envisaged environmental impacts on noise, air quality, ecology, etc. – this report is prepared by AIS, who in turn will  liaise directly with the customer, architects and ERA.

3. Terms of Reference (ToRs)

ERA publishes ToRs which outline the details and technical studies required as part of the AA. As the chosen AA coordinator, AIS will consult with the client and ERA on these ToRs

4. A team of experts by your side

AIS will engage qualified internal & external experts and prepares the methodology to be followed as part of the AA, in consultation with ERA.

5. Preparation of the AA report

Using our 20 years of experience, we will carry out the assessment  to the highest standard, in fulfilment of the ToRs.

6. Consultations

AIS will consult with ERA to finalise the AA report. Such consultations may necessitate workshops, meetings, and presentations which are all led by AIS.