AIS at Esplora for World Children’s Day

This is what students from schools all over Malta learned about on World Children’s Day at The Esplora Interactive Science Centre.

Esplora’s World Children’s Day took place from the 18th to the 20th of November. Visitors had the opportunity to meet with scientists and learn more about their work and careers. Environmental specialists from AIS Environment prepared a couple of fun activities and experiments to engage with. In this way, they could teach children about the different ecosystems within the marine environment. Also, the steps they take while studying the health of an underwater ecosystem. Using colourful paper cut-outs, they briefly taught kids about tools they use in our ecology studies. Such as, biodiversity, species groups, sizes and alien species.

Passing on our knowledge of the environment to the younger generation was a fulfilling experience. We are glad to have taken part in the Esplora’s event.

Throughout the years, AIS Environment has been continually engaged in studies related to marine ecology. We undertook several marine monitoring projects. Our research for Esplora, took us all over the Maltese islands including harbours, coastlines, and even beyond the Maltese exclusive fishing zone. The results were used by national authorities and agencies. Such as the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA), the Planning Authority, and Infrastructure Malta.

Our research and analytics services for marine ecological studies involve mapping habitats, identifying flora and fauna through ROV and SCUBA diving surveys, and marine monitoring.

We hope to see more budding scientists emerging in the near future, of whom could eventually join us, AIS Environment, and partake in our projects.