3 Ways to Reduce Air Pollution in Urban Areas


Air pollution is a significant concern in urban areas, affecting millions of people worldwide. The adverse effects on health, the environment, and the economy necessitate immediate action.

Options for Renewable Energy in Malta

Renewable energy has become increasingly important as we face the challenges of climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Malta has the potential to harness renewable energy from both wind and solar sources. Here are a few feasible solutions for renewable energy in Malta. Offshore Wind Farms Offshore wind farms are a promising […]

The EIA Process – A Quick Guide

Understanding the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process is crucial for any individual or entity who are applying for a large-scale development project. This quick guide provides valuable insights into the process. Empowering applicants to navigate the world of EIAs, fulfill regulatory requirements and at the same time – minimising environmental impacts. 1. Untangle The Complexities Of The […]

Renewable Energy and ESG: What is the Link?

As businesses continue to strive to adopt sustainable practices, the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors for businesses has grown in recent years. Among the various solutions, renewable energy stands out as a key driver of sustainability, with its inherent alignment with environmental sustainability principles. AIS Environment attended a conference discussing the link between these […]

Helping Family Businesses: Malta Chamber Launch

AIS Environment is proud to have sponsored The Malta Chamber of Commerce event ‘Charting the course for your family business’ on 1st February, 2023. The event reported on findings on a survey carried out by the Family Business Office, to alert family businesses on risks that they seem to be overlooking. The survey results showed that businesses are mostly […]

ESG: How Does it Affect My Business?

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors for businesses. ESG refers to the non-financial criteria that companies use to measure their impact on society and the environment. These factors have become increasingly important to investors, consumers, and regulators, as they recognize that the […]

AIS at Esplora for World Children’s Day

Fact: The Marine Ecosystem Has The Greatest Biodiversity on Earth This is what students from schools all over Malta learned about on World Children’s Day at The Esplora Interactive Science Centre. Esplora’s World Children’s Day took place from the 18th to the 20th of November. Visitors had the opportunity to meet with scientists and learn more […]

Form Part of our SUPMed Webinar

Join us on Tuesday 25th October 2022 for the Malta SUPMed Webinar Discover how can you form part of this project The SUPMed project aims to help the tourism industry set an example to the rest of the economy to reduce and eliminate the use of Single-Use Plastics. Join us on the 25th October to the webinar; […]