IPPC Approved for Tuna rendering facility

The local tuna aquaculture industry currently generates thousands of tonnes of fish offals, consisting of the head, spine, tail, and organs. Although this material has huge recycling potential, fish farm operators presently dispose of it at sea. To recover this material, Aquaculture Resources Ltd. are developing a state-of-the-art tuna rendering facility in Ħal-Far. The plant will recycle […]

Malta Hosts the First SUPMed Project Conference

The 1st conference event of SUPMed project has been successfully implemented in Malta On the 7th of July 2022, AIS Environment hosted the first Maltese “Reducing the Consumption and Disposal of Single-use Plastics in the Tourism Industry in Cyprus, Greece, Malta” also known as SUPMed project conference. The conference took place at Salini Resort, St Paul’s […]

Single-Use Plastics: The SUPMed project

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been rapidly growing and changing the way businesses operate. It has opened up a world of opportunities by providing real-time data to businesses. This data can be analysed to optimise operations, reduce costs, and drive growth. Its capability is immense, and businesses that are able to leverage it can propel themselves forward in the competitive marketplace. In this blog post, we will explore how IoT data can help businesses take advantage of the opportunities presented by IoT.

MSFD Marine Monitoring Project Completed

As part of Malta’s MSFD obligations, M3C (Malta Marine Monitoring Consortium) comprised of AIS Environment Ltd (Malta) and AZTI Tecnalia (Spain) was commissioned by ERA to carry out monitoring of Malta’s territorial and offshore waters on behalf of the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA).