Form Part of our SUPMed Webinar

The SUPMed project aims to help the tourism industry set an example to the rest of the economy to reduce and eliminate the use of Single-Use Plastics. Join us on the 25th October to the webinar; where we aim to discuss the results and best practices to guide you on how to be part of this project and reduce the use of single use plastics.

Date: 25th October 2022
Time: 10:00 – 10:45 (CET)
Format: Online – Zoom Event

Webinar Topics
• Introduction to the SUPMed project
• Outline of the Action Plans
• Presentation of the Best Practice Guide
• Discussion: Question and Answer Session

Participation in the event is FREE of charge.

For further information and registration please contact AIS Environment via email at: [email protected].
For regular updates on the project, follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedin, and visit our project website.

* The SUPMed project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation