Single-Use Plastics: The SUPMed project

The project aims to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics in the tourism industry in Cyprus, Greece and Malta. After its launch on 8th April, the SUPMed project moved on to the next phase. From July through to September 2021, the partners, including AIS Environment, have closely worked with the staff and clients of the 10 coastal tourist establishments in the three regions, to better understand and compare the current consumption and disposal behaviours of Single-Use Plastics (SUPs), via pilot studies. To do so, questionnaires have been disseminated to hotel management staff, contractors (e.g. waste managers) and clients. 

Interviews have also been undertaken with hotel management and staff. As well as monitoring and observation of hotel staff and client behaviour. The primary aim is to reduce the consumption, disposal and impacts of Single-Use Plastics (SUPs) in the tourism sector, in line with EU Directive 2019/904 on the reduction of the impacts of plastic products.

The results are currently being analysed in order to extract learnings and trends in behaviour in each region.

Follow this link for more info.