
National WFD Baseline


Environment & Resources Authority (ERA)


The Environment and Resource Authority (ERA) issued a call for a baseline survey of ten water bodies of conservation value.

This formed part of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). 

Prior to this project, baseline surveys for Inland Surface and Transitional Waters of the Maltese Islands were non-existent. 

Our Input

AIS Environment carried out the survey over a period of twelve months.

These studies covered ten water bodies including; Salini, Magħluq ta’ Marsaskala, Ballut ta’ Marsaxlokk, Wied il-Baħrija, Wied il-Luq, Wied il-Lunzjata, is-Simar, l-Għadira, Qattara and l-Għadira ta’ Sarraflu.

The survey carried out included the collection of robust scientific data namely; physicochemical, hydro morphological, and biological quality elements in line with the requirements of the WFD. 


The results aimed to provide the basis for ERA to determine the most appropriate monitoring and management approaches for these water bodies in the future. 

The studies were based on a comprehensive literature review and collation of available data, field surveys and laboratory analysis.

Using these results from the baseline surveys, the condition of each water body was verified and either of the following five status classes was assigned: high, good, moderate, poor or bad. 

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