Nature Permits and Tree Permits

Ensure compliance and protect natural habitats with AIS Environment’s comprehensive Nature Permits and Tree Permits solutions. Our experts guide you through the permitting process, from application to implementation, helping you navigate regulations and safeguard biodiversity for your development projects.

What is a Nature Permit?

The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) in Malta is responsible for ensuring that all development projects that may affect important habitats, species, or trees are carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. In order to do this, the ERA has implemented a number of nature permitting regulations and procedures. AIS can handle different types of permits related to developments and works:

  • Nature permits for important species and habitats: Ensuring your projects comply with environmental regulations while protecting vital ecosystems.

  • Tree Permits: Facilitating responsible tree removal and management while adhering to local laws.

  • Disposal to Sea Permits: Ensuring compliance with marine regulations and minimising environmental impacts during waste disposal.

  • Waste Consignment Permits: Managing waste responsibly and complying with legal requirements for safe disposal and recycling.

nature permit malta environment

What projects require these permits?

Nature permitting is required for any development project that may affect important habitats or species. These projects are reviewed by the ERA to determine their potential impact on the environment. If a project may have a significant impact, the ERA will require a nature permit. The ERA may also request an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Tree permitting is required for any works that may affect trees that are protected under Maltese law. This includes all indigenous trees, as well as non-indigenous trees that have been designated as protected. 

Discover the comprehensive approach we took to secure multiple permits for Mellieha Holiday Centre

Our Nature and Tree Permitting services include:

At AIS Environment, we understand the importance of balancing sustainable development with preserving natural habitats and protecting endangered species. We offer a range of nature permitting services that help our clients navigate the complex regulatory landscape and obtain the necessary permits for their projects.

Our team works closely with architects and contractors to obtain nature & tree permits that meet all the requirements of the regulatory agencies. We also provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the permitting process to ensure that our clients remain in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Nature & Tree Permits

Aim to protect the environment by integrating environmental considerations into the concept phase of large-scale developments. 

Ecological Surveys

We conduct thorough ecological surveys to identify any potential impacts of a proposed development or work on natural habitats and species.

Our team of experts works closely with architects and contractors to identify environmental impacts and develop comprehensive mitigation plans that minimise potential environmental impacts on flora and fauna.

Permit applications

We prepare and submit all the necessary permit applications to the regulatory agencies on behalf of our clients.

Our team channels their expertise to ensure a streamlined and efficient application process.

Permit compliance

We provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure that our clients remain in compliance with all the conditions of their permits. 

Our team conducts regular monitoring and reporting to ensure that our clients are meeting their obligations under the nature and/or tree permits.