Solutions -

Operational Monitoring​

As a leading environmental consultancy in Malta, AIS Environment specialises in providing comprehensive Operational Monitoring services to help businesses ensure compliance with environmental regulations and promote sustainable practices. Our expert team works closely with commercial and industrial facilities to identify potential risks, measure environmental impacts, and recommend practical solutions for improvement.

What is Operational Monitoring?

Operational monitoring of commercial and industrial facilities involves the regular monitoring of various environmental factors, including air, noise, water, etc. This process helps to ensure that the business is operating in a way that is sustainable and environmentally responsible. 

  • In line with conditions in their Environmental Permits or IPPC permits, facilities may need to undergo monitoring of noise levels, air quality, discharges to land, water, and the marine ecosystem, among other factors.
  • The environment monitoring team also guides the operators on feasible ways that can help them to further mitigate any environmental impacts.
operational monitoring air quality

Discover how ESG affects your business

Where does AIS come in?

At AIS Environment, we understand that businesses today face increasing pressure to operate in a way that is both profitable and sustainable. That’s why we offer comprehensive operational monitoring services that help businesses of all sizes ensure that they are meeting their environmental responsibilities.

Operational Monitoring

Monitor emissions to air, water and noise, ensuring that commercial & industrial facilities are operating within regulations.

Noise Monitoring

We use state-of-the-art equipment to measure noise levels in and around the facility. Noise monitoring is particularly important for businesses that operate in urban areas, where noise pollution can be a significant concern.

Air Quality

Using probes and laboratory testing, we monitor air quality to help businesses identify and mitigate any air pollution risks. Our team uses advanced technology to measure levels of pollutants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. We also perform stack monitoring and modelling of air pollutants.

Land and Water

Our team uses advanced testing methods to analyse water and soil samples, and we provide detailed reports that help businesses understand their environmental impact and make informed decisions about how to improve their practices.

Marine Ecology

Using a mixture of ROV surveys, SCUBA surveys, drone surveys, water analyses, sediment analyses, etc., we provide the widest range of marine ecology  monitoring services in Malta.

Terrestrial Ecology

Our ecologists have extensive experience in conducting terrestrial ecology studies on small and large sites, including drone surveys, habitat mapping and tree surveys.

Specialised Monitoring

AIS has extensive equipment and facilities which enable us to carry out all monitoring requirements, tailored to suit our clients’ needs.