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Terrestrial Ecology

Malta is a small but ecologically rich country with a unique and diverse range of habitats and species. These include important natural areas such as the Majjistral Nature and History Park, the Buskett Gardens, and the Dingli Cliffs, which provide vital habitats for a range of protected species, including birds, reptiles, and plants. 

Terrestrial Ecology in Malta

Malta has implemented a number of measures to protect and conserve these habitats and species, including the designation of Natura 2000 sites and the implementation of the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations (Subsidiary Legislation 549.44)

  • These measures aim to maintain and enhance biodiversity, promote sustainable land use, and ensure that Malta’s natural heritage is preserved for future generations.
  • These studies include habitat mapping surveys, tree mapping surveys, and identifying important flora and fauna species.
terrestrial ecology dingli cliffs

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Terrestrial Ecology

Malta’s terrestrial ecology includes a diverse array of habitats, including scrubland, rocky cliffs, and freshwater ecosystems

Habitat Mapping

Our ecologists use a combination of field surveys, remote sensing, drone surveys and GIS mapping techniques to accurately identify and map habitats like woodland, scrubland, grassland, wetland, and rocky shore habitats

Tree Mapping

Our ecologists use advanced surveying techniques, such as LiDAR and drone surveys, to produce accurate 3D maps of tree canopies and assess the health and condition of individual trees

Flora and Fauna

Our ecologists have extensive knowledge of the Maltese flora and fauna and use a range of survey techniques to identify and assess the abundance and distribution of different species.

Protected Habitats and Species

We offer specialised terrestrial ecology services related to protected habitats and species.

Malta has several protected terrestrial habitats, including steppe, garrigue and maquis.

Similarly, Malta has several protected terrestrial species, such as the hedgehog. Mediterranean chameleon and the leopard snake.

Our Methodology

At AIS Environment, we are committed to working closely with our clients to deliver bespoke terrestrial ecology studies that meet their specific needs and objectives. Our team of ecologists are highly skilled and experienced, and are supported by our in-house GIS and data analysis teams. We are also fully compliant with the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA), which is the competent authority responsible for the management and protection of the Maltese environment.

As part of our commitment to compliance and best practice, we work closely with the ERA to ensure that our terrestrial ecology studies meet all relevant legislative requirements. This includes compliance with the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations, which provide legal protection for a range of habitats and species, including Natura 2000 sites and species of European importance.

Overall, our terrestrial ecology studies offer a comprehensive and tailored approach to environmental management, providing our clients with the information they need to make informed decisions about the sustainable management of their land and assets. By working with AIS Environment, our clients can be confident that they are meeting their environmental obligations, while also contributing to the protection and preservation of the unique and diverse Maltese environment.