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Research & Analytics

Water Bodies

Malta’s water bodies are vital components of the island’s ecosystem, encompassing a diverse range of inland fresh waters, transitional brackish waters, and expansive marine environments. Understanding and managing these water bodies is essential for ensuring ecological balance, promoting sustainable practices, and addressing the ongoing challenges posed by water scarcity in this semi-arid Mediterranean environment.

Water Bodies in Malta

The limited freshwater resources, characterised by small streams and seasonal water courses, are crucial for supporting unique habitats and endemic species, while transitional waters play a significant role in maintaining biodiversity and providing essential habitats for migratory birds. The surrounding marine waters, extending from shallow coastal areas to deep offshore regions, are equally important, hosting a variety of marine life and supporting both commercial and recreational activities. 

  • Malta has a number of inland surface waters, such as the Chadwick Lakes and Wied il-Luq that runs through Buskett Gardens. 

  • The country has five transitional waters, which are areas where freshwater and seawater mix. These include is-Salini, the Għadira nature reserve and il-Magħluq ta’ Marsascala.

  • Additionally, the country has marine waters surrounding its coastline which are one of the island’s most attractive features to tourists. All these sites are important for wildlife and biodiversity.

  • As an island, it has always relied heavily on groundwater for drinking water supply and irrigation, which has now become sparse.

water bodies malta sea

Check out the marine surveys & other environmental studies we performed on the Malta-Sicily Gas Pipeline

Water Bodies

Aim to understand the ecological significance of water bodies, manage scarce freshwater resources, and promote sustainable practices

Field Surveys

Our team of experts is highly trained and experienced in conducting field surveys and measurements. We have a proven track-record of conducting biological investigations and chemical analyses. 

We use advanced equipment and techniques to ensure accurate and reliable readings. Water readings include temperature, pH levels, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity.

Water Samples

We also collect water samples from various locations and depths in the water body. Using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, we collect and transport samples for laboratory analysis.

Tests include biological testing, nutrient testing, heavy metal contamination and pathogens.

Ecosystem Health

We understand that the quality of water bodies can have a significant impact on the ecosystem’s health. We place great emphasis on monitoring the health of the ecosystem. Using biological indicators such as macroinvertebrates and algae, we assess the health of the ecosystem.

Our Methodology

At AIS Environment, we pride ourselves on providing accurate and reliable information to our clients. We work closely with the Environment & Resources Authority, which is the local competent authority responsible for monitoring and regulating the quality of water bodies in Malta. Our services are designed to meet the requirements of the authority and ensure compliance with local regulations.

We understand that in our small island, these water bodies are a precious resource, and their quality must be maintained to ensure their sustainability. Our service provides valuable insights into the health of water bodies, enabling our clients to make informed decisions about their use and management. By monitoring their quality, we can identify potential issues before they become a significant problem, and take action to address them.

Our studies provide comprehensive and accurate information about the health of water-based ecosystems in Malta. We offer a range of services that enable us to assess and monitor the quality of water bodies, including in situ measurements, sample collection, chemical and biological analyses, and more. Our team of experts is highly trained and experienced in conducting these services, ensuring that our clients receive accurate and reliable information.


At AIS Environment, we take compliance seriously. We follow ISO standards to ensure that our analyses are accurate, reliable, and in compliance with legal requirements. We also work closely with the Environment & Resources Authority, which is the competent authority for environmental regulation in Malta, to ensure that our work meets the highest standards.

Our services are also designed to support compliance with Maltese legislation. We understand that businesses and individuals in Malta are subject to a range of environmental regulations, and we provide comprehensive air quality studies to help them comply with these requirements. Our reports include detailed information about pollutant levels, sources of pollution, and potential health and environmental impacts.